Lagoonal carbonate deposition preceding rifting-related uplift:evidence from the Bartonian-Priabonia
Sedimentary successions in the northwestern Gulf of Suez provide important clues to the un-derstanding of the geological......
Winged fruits and associated leaves of Shorea (Dipterocarpaceae) from the Late Eocene of South China
As a member of the order Malvales,Dipterocarpaceae is widely considered the representative component of tropical Asian r......
Revision of Cyprinus maomingensis Liu 1957 and the first discovery of Procypris-like cyprinid (Teleo
从上面的部分的石块鲤科之鱼上面始新世 Maoming 的 Youganwo 形成,广东,中国被刘,作为新种提交了唯一的标本给类 Cyprinus,首先在 195......